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Showing posts from April, 2021

The story of Disrudi Haflongbar | Princess of the Dimasa Kacharis - Dimasa Thairili

The picture of Disru is painted by Lakheswar Bodo Dishrudi Haflongbar , also known by her stage name Disru  was one of the Dimasa princess. She was born on 3 March 1496, her father's name is  Hariram Haflongbar & mother's name is  Daokadi Haflongbar . While Disru also had a very important role play among the Dimasa communities it constituted the civilized rituals of Dimasa customs and living today. A King once lived, whose principal amusement consisted in hunting elephants. One day information was brought in that a large herd was in a forest, some day’s journey from the capital. Upon this, the king determined to start at once and to remain out in the jungle until he had accounted for the greater number. In taking farewell to his wife, who intended shortly to present him another child, he said “Children we have in plenty: our daughters especially being exceedingly numerous. Should the babe prove to be of the female sex, you had better get it, but if a male brings it ...

Why did Kabir wrote his poetry in Hindi? | Kabir Das - Dimasa Thairili

Kabir Das Among the devotees and poets of Hindi, whose speech is relevant even today, Sant Kabir Das Ji is the second highest.   He composed poems useful to the public in the simple and comprehensible language of the masses by staying among the general public.   In addition to devotional expressions in your poems, practical knowledge and humanistic vision have been included.   Your poems were very popular in their time.   Targeting this popularity, Srimanta Sankardev of Assam-Bhoomi has written in his book ' Kirtan Ghosha ' that saints sing Kabir-versed songs at places like Uresha, Varanasi, etc. उरेषा वारानसी ठावे ठावे । कबिर गीत शिष्टसवे गावे ॥ (कीर्तन घोषा -3/32)   The works of Mahatma Kabir Das was also popular in their time, they are popular even today and this popularity will continue even further.  H is life story is also like poems very interesting.   It is said that you were born in 1398 from the womb of a widowed Brahmin in Kashi as a...

Baidima Dance | Dimasa Traditional Dance | Baidima Folk Dance of Assam - Traditional Folk Dances of India

  Baidima Dance Baidima is a traditional folk dance of the Dimasa Kachari tribe. Baidima dance is accepted as a mainly traditional dance of the Dimasa people. This dance is performed mainly during the harvesting festivals, Busu Dima. Baidima dances are performed by young boys and girls on the dance floor. The dancers wear their traditionally colorful Dimasa clothing. It is characterized by gradually dance steps with the music, your hand on your waist and once up & down. In this traditional dance, songs are used, the name of the song is Nagasa Jaorere & Shivarai Baidima . The meaning of Baidima, Bai means dance & Dima means Dimasa. Baidima dances are different kinds of dances such as Baidima (Dima Hasao district), Baihawar (Cachar district), Baidembra (Hojai district) and the Dimasa people, who dance the Baidima of Dimapur are called Baidijuwa. Baimaijai or Baijaba (It means a cultural performance with stone siever once a time during Dimapur's reign, so-called Baimaija...
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