Juthai (Hello)
Dimasa Thairili as an online platform contributes to preserving the beauty of Indian culture and customs with various ways of traditional knowledge and understanding. Apart from this, it also moved forward to erase the communication gap among the citizens providing numerous language learning systems and highlighting the importance of different Indian languages with proper focus would be portrayed.
* Dimasa Thairili was founded in September 2018 by Shyamal Bodosa. DimasaThairili.com was created on 16 October 2022 now it is live on everywhere. Before it was dimasathaiili.blogspot.com, a free subdomain site of Google's Blogger.com.
What is the meaning of "Thairili"?
Thairili is a Dimasa-language word that means poem. Thairili
is introduced as a girl name in the Dimasa community.
About Author
Hi, this is Shyamal Bodosa, better known by my stage
name Kou, blogger, and I want to be a guitarist from the Northeastern Indian state
of Assam. I am 18 years old (as of 2021). I have worked on this website for 6 years and still do. I also write some Dimasa poems. Who can write blogs
and poems at such a young age!
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