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Showing posts from March, 2024

Bengali Numbers 1 to 100 in words | 1 to 100 Counting Chart

  The Bengali language belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family spoken by the Bengali people. It is Bangladesh's official, national, and most widely spoken language and India’s second-most spoken language in West Bengal, Tripura, and the Barak Valley region of Assam . Explore the following topic. In this article, we will be giving you Bengali numbers 1 to 100 in English with their pronunciation and spelling. These numbers are entirely similar to Assamese numbers . But their numeral pronunciation is somewhat different, you can see. Make sure your pronunciation by watching the video here . Bengali Numbers 1 to 100 in Words & Spelling No. Numeral Bengali PRON. 0 ০ শূন্য shuino 1 ১ এক ek 2 ২ দুই dui 3 ৩ তিন tin 4 ৪ চার sar 5 ৫ পাঁচ pas 6 ৬ ছয় soy 7 ৭ ...

Learn Sindhi Numbers 1 to 20

  The Sindhi language belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family spoken by the Sindhi people of Pakistan and the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is also recognized in 22 scheduled languages of India, with 32 million speakers as of 2011. In this article, we will learn Sindhi numbers 1 to 20 in English with their pronunciation. These numbers are entirely different from Punjabi numbers . However, they follow the Sindhi-Arabic script. Make sure your pronunciation by watching the video here. Learn Numbers 1 to 20 in Sindhi-English No Numeral Sindhi PRON. 0 ۰ ॿुड़ि buri 1 ۱ हिकु hiku 2 ۲ ॿ ba 3 ۳ टे te 4 ۴ चार chaar 5 ۵ पँज panja 6 ۶ छह chhah 7 ۷ सत sat 8 ۸ अठ ath 9 ۹ नव nav 10 ۱۰ ...

Explore List of 20+ Names of Birds in Bodo and English

Today, we will learn bird names in Bodo and English with their pronunciation in a delightful way. Birds are very common in our daily lives. Bird names in Bodo, are an important part of learning things. In this article, I’ve collected a comprehensive list of birds named English and Bodo with pictures. Explore the following topics. Bird meaning in Bodo called "Dao". List of Birds Name in English and Bodo English Bodo Img. Parrot Batho Peacock Meradao Duck Hans Hen Daoju Pigeon Pharoh Crow Daokha Sparrow Skha Mynah Dao maina Dove Keglangbide Crane Vo'longkom Kingfisher Nalangkhar Black drongo Phrengadao Magpie Dao maina Owl Phesa Crane Daobu ...

Malayalam Counting Chart: Numbers 1 to 100

 The  Malayalam language belongs to the Dravidian language family spoken by the Malayali people of the Indian state of Kerala, Lakshadweep, and Puducherry. It is recognized in the 22 scheduled languages of India. Malayali has over 37 million speakers as of 2011. In today’s lesson, we will learn Malayalam numbers 1 to 100 with their pronunciation. These numbers are similar to Tamil numbers if you are thinking about learning 1 to 100 in Malayalam through English then this is just for you. Here we’ve added some pronunciation from 1 to 20. Make sure your pronunciation by watching the video. Malayalam Counting Chart 1 to 100 in English No Numeral Malayalam PRON. 0 ୦ പൂജ്യം pujyam 1 ൧ ഒന്ന് onnu 2 ൨ രണ്ട് rendu 3 ൩ മൂന്ന് munnu 4 ൪ നാല് nalu 5 ൫ അഞ്ച് anju 6 ൬ ആറ് aru...

Odia Counting Chart: Numbers 1 to 100

  Odia language belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family spoken by Odia people in the Indian state of Odisha. It is the official language of Odisha and is also spoken in parts of Jharkhand, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh. According to the 2011 census of India, Odia has 35 million speakers. In this article, we will learn Odia numbers 1 to 100 with their pronunciation. Let's learn all Odia counting numbers from 1 to 100 with a chart. Odia Counting Chart 1 to 100 in English No Numeral Odia PRON. 0 ୦ 1 ୧ ଏକ eka 2 ୨ ଦୁଇ dui 3 ୩ ତିନି tini 4 ୪ ଚାରି chari 5 ୫ ପାଞ୍ଚ pancha 6 ୬ ଛଅ chaa 7 ୭ ସାତ sata 8 ୮ ଆଠ atha 9 ୯ ନଅ naa 10 ୧୦ ଦଶ das 11 ୧୧ ...

Top 10 Powerful Empires in India: That Changed the Indian history

In this article, we will give you the top 10 most powerful empires and dynasties in India that changed Indian history for your general awareness with details. 1. Maurya Empire  Maurya Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya in 322 BCE and was also the geographically extensive historical power belonging to the Iron Age in the Indian subcontinent based in the Magadha Empire. The capital was located at Pataliputra (nowadays Patna). Here are 3 powerful kings of the dynasty who took the glory of the Mauryan Empire to peak Chandragupta Maurya, Bindusara, and Ashoka the Great. 2. Chola dynasty  The Chola dynasty known as the Tamil dynasty originated in South India. The dynasty was established by Vijayalaya Chola, the founder and first king of the dynasty in 848 AD. 3. Mughal Empire Mughal was a Muslim dynasty that existed from the early 15th CE to the mid-18th CE. The dynasty was an early modern period dynasty founded by Babur in 1526 century. Who destroyed the Mughal Empire? In 18...

Punjabi Numbers 1 to 100 | Punjabi Counting Charts

The Punjabi language belongs to the Indi-Aryan language family spoken by the Punjabi people of the Indian state of Punjab, with 113 million speakers as of 2011. In this article, we will learn Punjabi numbers 1 to 100. Numbers in Punjabi are similar to Hindi numbers in their pronunciation. Let's learn all Punjabi numbers from 1 to 100 with a chart. Punjabi Counting Chart 1 to 100 in English No Numeral Punjabi PRON. 0 ੦ ਸਿਫਰ sifar 1 ੧ ਇੱਕ ikk 2 ੨ ਦੋ do 3 ੩ ਤੰਨ tin 4 ੪ ਚਾਰ char 5 ੫ ਪੰਜ panj 6 ੬ ਛੇ chae 7 ੭ ਸੱਤ sath 8 ੮ ਅੱਠ aath 9 ੯ ਨੌੰ nau 10 ੧੦ ਦਸ das 11 ੧੧ ਗਆਰ gyarah 12 ੧੨ ਬਾਰ baraha 13 ੧੩ ਤੇਰਾ...

A Complete List of Mughal Rulers and Their Reign Years - Mughal Empire

  Mughal Empire was a Muslim dynasty that existed from the early 15th CE to the mid-18th CE. The early modern period dynasty was founded by Babur in 1526 century. In 1857, The last ruler of Mughal, Bahadur Shah Zafar was dismissed by the British East India Company and was completely abolished in 1858. In the rule of 331 years, there were 21 kings from beginning to end. Here we are giving you a complete list of Mughal Empire kings and their reign details for general awareness. The List of Mughal Rulers and Their Reign Years No. King Reign (CE) 1 Babur 1526-1530 2 Humayun 1530-1540 3 Akbar 1556-1605 4 Jahangir 1605-1627 5 Shah Jahan 1628-1658 6 Aurangzeb 1658-1707 7 Azam Shah 1707-1707 3 months 8 Bahadur Shah I 1707-1712 9 Jahandar Shah 1712-1713 10 Farru...

Marathi Counting Chart: Numbers 1 to 100

The Marathi language belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family spoken by the Marathi people in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is one of 22 scheduled languages of India, with over 83 million speakers. Do you want to learn some Marathi numbers? Are you learning Marathi? If yes, what a great idea! In this article, we are giving a comprehensive list of Marathi numbers 1 to 100 in English with their pronunciation. These numbers are exactly the same as Hindi numbers from 0-99 with their numerals, and vocabulary but 100, is just different from the Marathi pronunciation called Śambhara. Marathi Counting Chart 1 to 100 English Marathi PRON. 0 ० शून्य sunya 1 १ एक ek 2 २ दोन don 3 ३ तीन teen 4 ४ चार char 5 ५ पाच pach 6 ६ सहा saha 7 ७ सात sat 8 ८ आठ ath 9 ९ ...
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