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Showing posts from June, 2023

Kannada Sentences Used in Daily Life (English to Kannada)

If you want to learn how to speak Kannada language like a native speaker then it’s good to know daily Kannada sentences. The best way to expose yourself to the way English to Kannada is used daily is to learn Kannada through a conversation with others. In this article, we’ll collect the basic daily used Kannada sentences in English with their pronunciation. Learn Kannada Words & Phrases 10 Basic Greetings in Kannada Hi/Hello - Namaste How are you? - Nivu hegiddiri? What’s up? - En samachara? What’s your name? - Ninna hesaru ēnu? Good morning - Śubhōdaya! Have a nice day! - Dinavu ole yadagali Good night - Śubha rātri! Nice to meet you - Ni'mannu bhēṭiyāgalu santōṣavāgide See you later - Āmēle sigōṇa! Welcome - Svāgata 50 Kannada Sentences Used in Daily Life Below is a list of common sentences that native Kannada speakers use in daily life. No. English Kannada PRON. 1 Hi/hello ನಮಸ್ತೆ namaste 2 ...

Vegetables Name in Hindi and English with Pictures (30+ सब्जियों के नाम हिंदी में)

  A complete list of vegetable names in Hindi and English with pictures. If you are searching for vegetable names in English to Hindi ?. So this article is just for you. Check out the following topics. Vegetables Chart for Kids Vegetables Name in English to Hindi (सब्जियों के नाम हिंदी में) Vegetables are the parts of a plant that can be eaten by humans and animals. Here we have covered 30+ vegetables name in Hindi. No. English Hindi PRON. 1 Potato आलू aloo 2 Tomato टमाटर tamatar 3 Brinjal बैंगन baingan 4 Cucumber खीरा kheera 5 Peas मटर matar 6 Ginger अदरक adarak 7 Lady finger भिंडी bhindee 8 Chili मिर्च mirch 9 Onion प्याज pyaaj 10 Radish मूली molee 11 Carrot ...

50+ Animals Name in Hindi and English with Pictures (जानवरों के नाम हिंदी में)

  In this today’s lesson, we will learn Animals Names in English to Hindi is an easy way to learn their pronunciation. If you are looking for an animals name in Hindi and English? So, this article is just for you. Check out the following topics. Domestic Animals Names Chart for Kids Animals Name in Hindi and English (जानवरों के नाम हिंदी में) Here we have covered 50+ Animals names in Hindi and English with pictures, and pronunciation. No. English Hindi PRON. 1 Camel ऊंट unth 2 Cow गाय gay 3 Horse घोड़ा ghuda 4 Girrafe जिराफ jiraf 5 Elephant हाथी hathi 6 Buffalo भैंस bheis 7 Monkey बन्दर bandar 8 Lion शेर sher 9 Fox लोमड़ी loomree 10 Cheetah चीता chita 11 Rhino ...

Konkani Sentences Used in Daily Life (English to Konkani)

  Today in this lesson, you will learn the basic Konkani phrases and words . Which can use in your daily life. If you do, this article is just for you. Check out the following topics to explore. A Konkani Grammar on Amazon 10 Basic Greetings in Konkani Hi/Hello - Holu! How are you? - Tum kosu aasa? What’s up? - Kinde challa? What’s your name? - Tujhe namb kinde? Good morning - Baree sakall aambdenta! Have a nice day - Dev boru dis divn Good night - Dev baree raat divn Nice to meet you - Tumka mellon bore disle! See you later - Mageer melloya! Welcome - Yevkar You may like these post Learn Konkani Numbers In Words 1 to 100 30 Konkani Sentences Used in Daily Life I know, its sentences are not enough but these sentences definitely help you. Here is the list of 30 Konkani sentences in English. Hi - हॅलो (holu) How are you? - तूं कसो आसा? (tum kosu aasa) I am fine - हांव बरें आसा (humb bore aasa) What is your name? - तुमचें नांव किदें? (t...
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