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Showing posts from October, 2022

Mizo Sentences Used in Daily Life | English to Mizo Translation

Mizo language belongs to the Tibeto-Burman language family spoken by the Mizo people in Mizoram. Today in this post, you will learn about the English to Mizo Translation  between two persons. This is the best way to improve your Mizo to English conversation skills and it is used in our daily life. Mizo Sentences 52 Mizo Sentences Used in Daily Life No. English Mizo 1 Hi/Hello Chibai 2 What is your name? Tunge I hming? 3 My name is Khim Ka hmning chu Khim ani 4 How are you? I tha em? 5 I am fine Ka tha e 6 You're beautiful I hmeltha 7 Thank you Ka lawm e 8 Have a nice day Ni hman nuam le 9 How old are you? Kum engzat nge i nih? 10 I'm 15 years old Kum 15 mi ka ni 11 Where are you going? Khawnge I kal dawn? 12 ...

Numbers in Khasi Language | Learn Khasi Language

  Khasi language is an Austroasiatic language family spoken in the northeastern Indian state of Meghalaya. According to the 2011 census, the Khasi population has 1.5 million. Today in this post, you will learn about Numbers in Khasi language from 1 to 100 with numerals in English. Khasi numbers 1 to 100 Numbers in Khasi 1 to 100 Counting Chart Numeral English Khasi 1 One Wei 2 Two Ar 3 Three Lai 4 Four Saw 5 Five San 6 Six Hynriew 7 Seven Hynniew 8 Eight Phra 9 Nine Khendai 10 Ten Shiphew 11 Eleven Khat-wei 12 Twelve Khat-ar 13 Thirteen Khat-lai 14 Fourteen Khat-saw 15 Fifteen Khat-san 16 Sixteen Khat-hynriew 1...

Khasi Sentences Used in Daily Life | English to Khasi Translation

 Khasi language belongs to the Austroasiatic language family spoken by Khasi people in the Northeast Indian state of Meghalaya. According to the 2011 census, Khasi had 1 million native speakers. In this article, we will learn Khasi-language words and phrases with their pronunciation in English. Here is a collection of useful phrases in the Khasi. Below, you'll find a list of common Khasi words and phrases which you should learn. Khasi sentences used in daily life Khasi Sentences Used in Daily Life No. English Khasi 1 Hi/Hello Khublei 2 What is your name? Phi kyrteng kumno? 3 My name is Baogli Nga kyrteng Baogli 4 How are you? Phi long kumno? 5 I am fine Nga biang 6 How old are you? Phi la don katno snem? 7 I am 10 years old Nga ladon 20 snem 8 Where do you live? Phi sah shaei? ...

Nyishi Sentences Used in Daily Life | Nyishi to English Translation

  Nyishi language belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family spoken in the Northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.  In this article, we will learn Nyishi-language words and phrases with pronunciation in English. So here I have collected daily used sentences in Nyishi. I know more than its sentences is needed but these sentences definitely help you. 32 Nyishi sentences used in daily life Nyishi Sentences Used in Daily Life No. English Nyishi 1 Hello Bule 2 What is your name? Nak amin nga hogu nga? 3 My name is Dering Nga aminge dering 4 How are you? No hogub rido? 5 I am fine Ngo ale du 6 Where are you going? No hogulo angden? 7 He is a good man Miu nyi e albogo 8 He is coming Miu e ha dodo 9 What are you saying? Hugu e no gyoge dun? 10 ...
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