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Showing posts from August, 2021

126 Human Body Parts Name in Dimasa | Learn Dimasa language

Today, we will learn you Human Body Parts Name In Dimasa , Body Parts Name In Dimasa , Body Name In Dimasa first of all, let me tell you that here we will give names in both Dimasa and English so that you can get all inspired. Contents Body Parts Name in Dimasa

Months of the Year in Dimasa language | Months name in Dimasa | DimasaThairili

Today in this post, we will know Months of the year in Dimasa language and are going to give complete information about what the months are called in Dimasa. In the Dimasa language, the word month is called Badain. Let us learn the Dimasa months name with their number of days in different months. Do you know how many months are in 1 year? Let us tell you, there is a total of  12 months in a year and all these months have different names. The table below shows the months of the year used in English-Dimasa and many other parts of the world. Months of the Year in Dimasa language | Months name in Dimasa | DimasaThairili The names of months in Dimasa: Month Name in English Month Name in Dimasa No. of days January Magh 31 Fabruary Phagun 28 March Jetri 31 April Baisagi 30 May Jeti 31 June Asari 30 July Srao 31 August ...

The days of the week in Dimasa | Dimasa week names with the definition

Today in this post we will know about the  The days of the week in Dimasa and Dimasa week names with the definition . There are 365 days in a year. There are 12 months in a year. There are 28, 29, 30, and 31 days in a month. We know that there are seven days a week . The names of these seven days are different, now we know the names of the 7 days of these weeks. 106 Popular Dimasa Baby Names with Beautiful & Meaningful | Dimasa Baby Boy Names & Baby Girl Names The days of the week in Dimasa | Dimasa week names with the definition The list of Dimasa weeks name: See Days Name in Dimasa English Hindi Haithibari Sunday रबिवार Shimbari Monday सोमवार Marbari Tuesday मंगलवार Bubari Wednesday बुधवार Bosomithi Thursday गुरुवार Shukhri Friday शुक्रवार Shingsri Saturday शनिवार Dimasa weeks name with the definition Shim...
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