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Showing posts from December, 2024

32+ Birds Name in Malayalam (With Pictures!)

 Namaskaram, If you are learning Malayalam, then this article is just for you! In this blog, we will learn the names of 30+ birds in Malayalam, pictures, and pronunciations in English. Here you can easily learn and show off your knowledge with us! List of Birds Name in Malayalam No. English Malayalam PRON. 1 Peacock മയിൽ mayil 2 Parrot തത്ത thatha 3 Myna മൈന mina 4 Pigeon മാടപ്രാവ് maadapravu 5 Raven കാക്ക kakka 6 Cuckoo കാക്ക kakka 7 Dove പ്രാവ് pravu 8 Hen കോഴി kozhi 9 Owl മൂങ്ങ moonga 10 Swan ഹംസം hansam 11 Flamingo അരയന്നം arayannam 12 Sparrow കുരുവി kuruvi 13 Kite പട്ടം pattam 14 Falcon പരുന്ത...

50+ Animals Name in Nepali (With Pictures!) - चराको नाम नेपाली

 In this article, we will discuss about the animals name in Nepali and English with pictures and their pronunciations. Here you can easily learn and show off your knowledge! Animals Name in Nepali (50 चराको नाम नेपाली) No. English Nepali PRON. 1 Camel ऊँट umta 2 Cow गाई gai 3 Horse घोडा ghoda 4 Girrafe जिराफ jiraph 5 Elephant हात्ती hatti 6 Buffalo भैंसी bhainsi 7 Monkey बाँदर bamdar 8 Lion सिंह sinha 9 Fox स्याल syal 10 Cheetah चित्ता chitta 11 Rhino गैंडा gainda 12 Deer हिरण hiran 13 Bear भालू bhalu 14 Dog कुकुर kukur 15 Cat बिरालो biralo 16 Goat...

32+ Birds Name in Nepali (With Pictures!) - चराको नाम

  Hello friends, if you are learning Nepali, then these bird names in Nepali will be helpful for you! Here, we’ll give you the list of 32 bird names in Nepali and English with pictures and their pronunciations so you can easily learn and show off your knowledge! The Nepali language is similar to Hindi both languages use Devnagari script in their written form. No. English Nepali PRON. 1 Peacock मयूर moyur 2 Parrot सुता suta 3 Myna म्याना myana 4 Pigeon परेवा pareva 5 Raven काग kag 6 Cuckoo कोयल koyal 7 Dove ढुकुर dhukur 8 Hen कुखुरा kukhura 9 Owl उल्लू ullu 10 Swan हंस hansa 11 Flamingo राजहंस rajhansa 12 Sparrow भँगेरा bhamgera 13 ...
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