In this today’s lesson, we will learn Animals Names in English to Hindi is an easy way to learn their pronunciation. If you are looking for an animals name in Hindi and English? So, this article is just for you. Check out the following topics.
Animals Name in Hindi and English (जानवरों के नाम हिंदी में)
Here we have covered 50+ Animals names in Hindi and English with pictures, and pronunciation.
No. | English | Hindi | PRON. |
1 | Camel | ऊंट | unth |
2 | Cow | गाय | gay |
3 | Horse | घोड़ा | ghuda |
4 | Girrafe | जिराफ | jiraf |
5 | Elephant | हाथी | hathi |
6 | Buffalo | भैंस | bheis |
7 | Monkey | बन्दर | bandar |
8 | Lion | शेर | sher |
9 | Fox | लोमड़ी | loomree |
10 | Cheetah | चीता | chita |
11 | Rhino | गेंडा | genda |
12 | Deer | हिरण | hiran |
13 | Bear | भालू | bhalu |
14 | Dog | कुत्ता | kutta |
15 | Cat | बिल्ली | billi |
16 | Goat | बकरी | bakree |
17 | Rabbit | खरगोश | khorgush |
18 | Crocodile | मगरमच्छ | magarmach |
19 | Pig | सूअर | suar |
20 | Rat | चूहा | chuha |
21 | Fish | मछली | masli |
22 | Tiger | बाघ | bag |
23 | Snake | सांप | saap |
24 | Vulture | गिद्ध | giddh |
25 | Eagle | चील | chil |
26 | Koala | कोआला | kuala |
27 | Duck | बतख | batakh |
28 | Chicken | मुर्गी | murgee |
29 | Cobra | कोबरा | kobra |
30 | Octopus | ऑक्टोपस | oktupas |
31 | Swan | हंस | haans |
32 | Parrot | तोता | toota |
33 | Sparrow | गौरया | gurya |
34 | Fox | लोमड़ी | lomri |
35 | Peacock | मोर | mor |
36 | Kingfisher | नीलकंठ | neelakanth |
37 | Lizard | छिपकली | chipkali |
38 | Wolf | भेड़िया | vediya |
39 | Ox | बैल | bail |
40 | Kangaroo | कंगारू | kangaroo |
41 | Gorilla | गोरिल्ला | gorilla |
42 | Pigeon | कबूतर | kabutar |
43 | Sheep | भेड़ | ved |
44 | Zebra | ज़ेबरा | zebara |
45 | Bat | बल्ला | balla |
46 | Kitten | बिल्ली का बच्चा | billi ka batcha |
47 | Goose | बत्तख | battakh |
48 | Partridge | तीतर | teetar |
49 | Nightingale | बुलबुल | bulbul |
50 | Leopard | तेंदुआ | tendua |
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